NHS Lanarkshire is encouraging its staff to identify patients who may be in financial difficulties and signpost them to where they can get appropriate benefits advice.

The reminder comes at a time when increasing numbers of people find themselves in financial difficulties as a result of increased spending over the festive season.

Money worries not only have a financial impact on people, they can also have a massive health impact.

For some it can be on their mental health which suffers with increased stress levels while for others it can be their physical health due to reduced budgets for food or leisure pursuits.

Both North and South Lanarkshire Councils have services to help people who need this advice and NHS Lanarkshire is encouraging its staff to remind patients who they suspect may be struggling financially, to use them.

‘Many of us, despite our best efforts, often overstretch ourselves over the festive season, but for those on low or no incomes, this can be compounded as they don’t have the means to clear off debts,’ said NHS Lanarkshire welfare reform learning and development advisor, Alison Dowling (pictured), who is based in Blantyre and South Lanarkshire Credit Union.

‘As a health-promoting organisation, we want our staff to be aware of people in these situations and be equipped to signpost or refer them to the relevant support services which can help them.’

The health board has been linking with both local authorities to help promote the changes to the benefits system and has made a host of information available to help staff know their patients’ options.

‘Our message to everyone,’ Alison continued, ‘would be, try to live within your financial means this festive season but, if you do feel you have overstretched yourself, don’t be afraid to approach an NHS Lanarkshire staff member for advice on where to get help. Many of our staff have received benefits awareness training and can help signpost you to where you can get support dealing with money problems.’

Anyone with money worries should visit: www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/yourmoney or Tel: 01698 403170. South Lanarkshire, Money Matters Advice Service Tel: 0303 123 1008.

For more on health advice this winter isit: www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk/HealthyLiving/Winter